
Friday, May 18, 2012

Wildfire threatened Ely Yesterday, May 17. ALL SAFE

As of Friday Morning May 18, all safe, one outbuilding lost in 100 acre wildfire that threatened Ely and was cause for partial evacuation.  Thanks to everyone who worked hard to put this one out and down and protected our homes and the town we all love!

 Hwy. 1 Fire, Ely

8:00 pm, Thursday, May 17

The Highway 1 Fire south and east of Ely, Minnesota is between 130 and 150 acres.   The fire was threatening structures and an evacuation was put into effect for the area south of White St. and east of 5th Avenue in Ely. The evacuation order for areas within the City of Ely has been rescinded.

Evacuations remain along Highway 1 south of the city.

One outbuilding has been lost.

The initial response group included :  1-Sky Crane Helicopter, 1- Type 3 Helicopter, 4-CL215  Water Scoopers, 1- Air Attack Plane,  4- Dozers, 10- Fire Engines, 1- Strike Team of 5 engines , plus numerous fire deptments and agencies.

A Minnesota Interagency Incident Management Team is on it’s way to the incident, due to arrive 10 pm May 17.  Additional engines and dozers are on the way as well.  At this time Hwy. 1 is closed .

for more and pictures click here:

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the heads-up, Tim, and especially for the map.
