
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Adventure Awaits.

I was going through an old file the other day and I ran across this little tidbit. I have no idea who wrote it and I don't remember where I got it (this seems to be happening a lot lately); but I liked it and can understand why I kept it.

It is not the magnitude of the adventure
we embark upon that matters,
but our own capacity for wonder
when we engage ourselves with the world.

What matters is not the details
of the individual adventures,
but that we continue to nuture
our adventuring spirit in a society
that rewards complacency
and endorses routine.

What is important is that
we remember above all that
the world holds adventure
in every moment for us;
We only need the courage
to make it our own.

Here at Piragis Northwoods we offer lots of opportunities for ADVENTURE. We want to help you expand your life and experiences. If you spend time on our website, or get our newsletter, or read our blog you most likely have your own adventures to talk about. We would love to hear about them, as we are all enriched by listening one another's stories. Perhaps you dream of creating an adventure...let us help you. So...take courage and give us a call...your adventure awaits.


1 comment:

  1. Check out the acknowledgements on page 5 of this dissertation:

    The author credits your quote on an adventurous spirit to Pam Houston, author and river guide. Beautiful.

    Pam's page:
