
Tuesday, December 16, 2014

BLOG 80. A Smart Survival Kit For the Northwoods

BLOG 80. A Smart Survival Kit For the Northwoods
by Cliff Jacobson
Stuff happens: Steel River, Ontario

My first job after college was as a forester for the Bureau of Land Management in Coos Bay, Oregon.  It was 1962, long before GPS and cell phones. One rainy January morning I was re-marking the cutting line that defined the area of a timber sale.  It was Thursday and I had Friday off and big plans for the weekend, so I hurried to get the job done.

Space doesn’t permit details other than to say that in my haste, I became hopelessly lost. And lost in an Oregon rain forest is a very big deal.  Here, huge trees cloud the sky and downed trees and winding vegetation limit walking to at best, one mile an hour. Visibility is measured in feet; only occasionally can you see the sky. Walk a few yards off a beaten path and you may become hopelessly lost...and never found! 
Stuff Happens: Kopka River, Ontario
Since it was Friday, no one from the BLM would look for me until Monday when I didn’t show up for work. So instead of waiting for help, I decided to find may way out. I had these “survival items” on my person:

·      A Thermos of coffee and lunch
·      Matches and a Zippo cigarette lighter
·      A Silva Ranger compass
·      A sturdy pocket knife
·      A roll of yellow surveying ribbon (to re-mark the sale area)
·      A red cowboy bandana
·      Pencil and spiral notebook

I was wearing a cotton T-shirt, a medium-weight wool long sleeve shirt and a Filson cruiser’s vest; Filson tin-pants, a two-piece rain-suit, metal hard hat, and corked boots for safety while scrambling over logs. The air temperature was about 50 degrees with occasional light misting.

Most important, I had a “mental map” of the area: For example, I knew that highway 101, which parallels the ocean, was about 20 miles west of me.  If I headed west, I should make the highway in a few days. I thought about backtracking to the winding, unimproved mountain road where I’d parked the Jeep (about a mile away) but decided against it.  Without a proper compass heading, my chances of intersecting it were small. Besides, the road did not run parallel to my position.

Momentarily, I panicked and ran a few feet. Then I sat down under a tree, poured some coffee and formulated a plan. I decided to go for the highway even though it was two days away. I figured I could make about eight miles a day. It was January (the rainy season) so there was standing water everywhere. I wouldn’t be thirsty. And I had packed a big lunch—enough for two days if rationed.

I set my compass for due west and started walking. When it became dark, I cut some Douglas fir boughs, piled them up and crawled between them. Surprisingly, I was reasonably comfortable and not cold. I headed west as soon as the sun came up.
Impassable rapid + no portage around it  = bushwhacking!
On the morning of the third day I intersected a logging road which I followed to the tiny town of Remote, Oregon. There, I hitched a ride back (on a logging truck) to my jeep which I drove home.  I never told a soul. Why? Because foresters don’t get lost!

A commercial “survival kit” would not have helped me. It’s what I had in my pockets that saved the day! A positive mental attitude (PMA)—knowing you’ll survive—beats any commercial box filled with clever stuff. That highway 101 was within reach was the fuel that kept me going. Without this belief, the most complete survival kit would have been useless. Indeed, in a real emergency, a kit (box or bag) may be left behind or lost in a canoe capsize. More than likely, you’ll have to rely on just “what’s in your pockets”.

Commercial survival kits commonly contain these items: waterproof matches and fire-starters, a single-edged razor blade or cheap knife, a near worthless miniature compass, a lightweight space blanket, fish-hooks, fish line, aluminum foil, signal mirror, whistle, sewing needle and thread, band-aids. Maybe energy bars and salt. And of course, an “instruction manual”.

Contrast this with what wilderness  paddlers should always have on their person:
·      Waterproof matches and/or a waterproof butane cigarette lighter (I carry two butane lighters).
·      Sturdy knife—fixed or folding blade (in a sturdy sheath or on a lanyard)
·      A seriously good compass, preferably with a mirror (for signaling)
·      A paper map—or at least a mental map of the area
·      Large colorful cowboy bandana
·      Insect head-net (if tripping in the north country) and bug dope
·      whistle

Assume you're solo canoeing a remote northern river where help is days away. Here’s what I would carry. All will fit into a small fanny pack that buckles around the waist:

In Your Fanny Pack:

·      SPOT satellite messenger. Extra batteries. All sealed in a Loksak® waterproof plastic bag.
·      A few heat-tabs (fire starters)
·      Disposable butane lighter—sealed in plastic wrap (this is in addition to the lighter(s) in your pocket)
·      50 feet of 1/16” inch diameter nylon cord, cut into 10 foot lengths. 
·      Two Band-Aids
·       3 feet of duct tape or Gorilla tape wound around a pencil stub.
·      Two sheets of paper torn from a small waterproof notebook.
·      Two fish-hooks and one jig. 50 feet of high-test fishing line.
·      2 ultra-compact space blankets (each, about the size of a pack of cigarettes)
·      Small roll of bright orange or yellow plastic surveying tape.
·      Small stainless steel or titanium cup—a Sierra cup is ideal.
·      Some bouillon cubes in a Loksak® waterproof bag.
·      Optional: small coil of snare wire
·      One or two energy bars if space permits.

On Your Body:
Knife, matches/lighter, compass, multi-tool, head-net, bug-dope, bandana, whistle

Add the above items (which should be on your belt or in your pockets)” and you’re good to go. Note that I prefer the SPOT over the DeLorme inReach for use in a survival kit. Why? Because SPOT is lighter, more compact and less expensive to buy and operate. If the weather permits a good fix, it will bring rescuers fast. Use the surveying tape to create a trail rescuers can follow if you wander. Boil water and prepare bullion soup, spruce or fireweed tea in your metal cup. Fish you catch can be hung from a tripod over the fire, grilled over green sticks or boiled in your cup. The space blankets can be taped together and rigged to provide shelter.  An insect head-net can be used to catch crawdads and minnows.

If you’ve ever been lost or, as Daniel Boone once said, “I was never lost, just confused once for three days!” I’d love to hear your views on survival stuff.

Cliff Jacobson

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Just Because it is Winter Doesn't Mean the Boundary Waters is Closed

One of the last paddles of the year that I took was into the setting sun with the wind pushing us back through the lingering lilypads and the tall brown grass.  The blue colors of the sky reflected in the water were more steel grey and dark shadows as if autumn had sucked all the summer heat out of them.

Returning to the landing with a big largemouth bass to clean was exciting.  As we twisted and turned through the tall dying grasses and the path narrowed -- the yellows, oranges and reds called to us from the approaching shoreline.  The wind had already begun to dry them out and they crashed against each other like tiny snare drums.

The water dripping off our paddles was already cold.  The lakes, dark and mysterious, definitely not as inviting as August -- now seemed quiet, private and full of secrets.  Shadow birds, shaking reflections of their higher selves, flew by on the waters surface and disappeared over our canoe.

Fall is most often our last taste of open water.  Our last memories before the Spring and ice out leave us with the natural world in decline and sleepy.  It's no wonder that when Spring finally arrives we are so excited.

It will be a while before the waters wake up again.  Right now we're all walking on hard water and drilling holes to fish through.  With a few warmer days ahead, as we write this, snow is softly falling and covering Ely in a new white blanket.

Remember that we have free standard shipping on orders now through Christmas Eve.  Use promo code:  FRP14 on all your orders.

Looking for a new adventure this winter?  How about a trip to Ely. You may think the fun stops once canoeing season is over, but you are missing out.  There are lots of activities for the whole family all winter long.

Camping in the Boundary Waters during the Winter months requires an adventurous spirit.  It gets cold here, we're talking nights 30 below zero to 50 below zero in February.  Twenty below is a common low for many of our winter nights.  However when you are warm and cozy inside a winter sleeping bag, near a wood burning stove inside a canvas wall tent, you can let the wind howl outside.

That's where we come in.  We prepare you for the outdoors, summer and winter, by having top-notch gear for rent.  Did you know that just like in the Summer when you carry everything with you in a canoe as you travel the lakes, in the winter you carry everything packed in a pulk sled.  The difference is that you ride in the canoe and paddle when the water is soft and when it is hard enough and thick enough to walk on, you ski or snowshoe and pull the pulk sled and all your gear behind you with a comfortable harness system that includes poles that keep the pulk from sliding into you on the downhills.

We did say ADVENTURE, right?!  Imagine hearing the lake pop and crack as the ice grows and contracts while the temperatures drop at night.  Imagine finding yourself surrounded by the greens, purples and dancing whites of the mysterious northern lights during a midnight ski.  Feast on fish caught right through holes drilled in the ice, and enjoy a festive winter night around the stove as the snow piles up outside.

Call us today to talk about Winter Gear Rentals  800-223-6565

Saturday, November 29, 2014

BLOG 79. Canoe Trip Ethics

BLOG 79. Canoe Trip Ethics
by Cliff Jacobson


A bright summer morning on any river.  A crowd of canoers prepare for a downstream float.  It's 9:30 a.m. and confusion abounds.  "Weren't we supposed to shuttle at 9?" someone asks.  What! You say the shuttle's gone?  I didn't hear any announcement. How'm I gonna get my car to Reedsville landing?"
Between the mix of uncertainty and lack of communication, there is misunderstanding of the day's events.
"They say we'll be done by four." 
"Better be!  Gotta be home by five.  We shoulda left an hour ago.  Where is Robertson (the leader) anyway?"
Finally, the shuttle is done and the pack moves to the water’s edge.  Left behind are soft drink cans, candy wrappers and styrofoam cups.
Once on the river, the fun begins.  The kids have their ghetto blasters, and some of the adults have beer. Lots of beer! Invariably, you can get one for the asking.  
Round the bend is an easy rapid, but for the drinkers it's already a four beer day.  Suddenly, there's a capsize.  Everyone is quickly rescued—but wait.  "Where's the beer?  You mean we lost the whole case? 
A noon lunch is planned, but the undulating mass doesn't reach the appointed spot till two. When the drag canoe finally arrives, the lead boat has already left. The paddlers build a hasty fire, wolf down some charred weiners then beat a hasty retreat back to the canoe. On the run, they kick sand over the determined flames. Is the fire out?  Who knows? They never looked back!

Around three o'clock, a persistent head wind develops and the canoes spread out further.  The gap widens as those in pusher aluminum and Royalex canoes fall behind.  With knowing smiles, Robertson takes the lead in his quick Kevlar cruiser. "We'll teach you slugs what "efficient" canoeing is all about!
The lead canoes reach the take out at 4:06, as planned.  Two hours later the last boats arrive.  Sorry guys, the last car's been shuttled. 
You’re probably thinking: "good story, Cliff, considering you made it up." But I didn't.  Not one word. I have, however, changed the names to protect the guilty. 
Environmental neglect is more often a matter of insensitivity than illegality.  Since the group "leader" is the one who sets the tone, let's discuss him or her first.

The leader:  The problem is, most groups don't have one. Too often, the one who plays the part is inexperienced and disorganized.  Show me a group with a good leader and I'll show you ethical behavior on the river.
Here are the tenets of good leaderhsip:
1.    The leader leads.  No one passes the leader.  Ever!
2.    The most experienced canoeist (next to the leader) paddles "drag".  The drag canoe never passes anyone. Rest stops are timed from the arrival of the drag--not the lead--canoe.  
3.    The end-of-trip shuttle does not begin until the last canoe touches shore!
4.    Each canoe keeps visual contact with the canoe BEHIND it. Rationale: It's easy to drop back but hard to push ahead and catch a fast team.
5.     Emergency equipment (first-aid kit, fire-starters, etc.), folding saw, hand-axe, are carried in both lead and drag canoes.  
6.    In a capsize, nearby canoes rescue the swimmers first, canoe and gear second.
7.    The group leader should make the nature of the trip (slow float, fast cruise, whitewater, etc.) clear before the trip. 
8.    Everyone gets a list of essential equipment and "do's and don'ts", in advance of the trip.
Here are some other expectations:
1. No radios or cell phone calls.      
2. Those who don't have essential items (a PFD, plus appropriate clothing  and rain gear) don’t go.
3. Wear your life jacket! This does not mean "have it available”.  Remove your PFD on a well run club outing and you'll hear about it!
4. Shuttle: Everyone wants his car at the take-out so he can get home quickly.   Those who volunteer to taxi their friends back to the put-in are greatly appreciated!
5. Beer: It's okay to have a beer with lunch, providing you carry out the can.  However, continuous sipping on the river is frowned upon.
6. Garbage: You brought it in, you pack it out!  A plastic trash bag tied to to a canoe thwart is a non-intimidating way to educate others.
7. Human waste: Bury waste away from water, and burn the toilet paper.  Douse the flames with water. Cover the hole with dirt.  Or, use a sanitary “toilet bag” system (Biffy Bag, Clearwaste, etc.).
8. Cruising speed. There is always a fast team who wants to show off and an inexperienced one who lags behind--a scenario that can produce a chain of canoes miles long.  It is impossible to maintain control over a fleet that's spread out.  So, spell out the requirements of the cruise before you set out.  
9. Smoking: smokers please field-strip your cigarettes and carry out the butts.
10. Rowdy behavior:  DO tactfully call inconsiderate practices to the attention of the group. The clown you're addressing might just be educable!
11. Don't play dodge-'em with your canoe.  If you want to see fur fly, crash into (indeed, just nick!) someone's $2,600 Kevlar canoe with a rental tank. Boy, are you in for a surprise!
12. Packing your gear: Everything should be packed in waterproof containers that float. 
I could continue, but these are the basic concerns--all of which may be summarized by two simple cliches: "Take only pictures, leave only footprints."  And respect the rights of others. 


Thursday, November 20, 2014

Introducing The Boundary Waters Belt Knife

We are always searching for the next piece of great gear.  Late this Autumn, I met a fellow canoeing and outdoor enthusiast whose full time job now consists of making knives.  Karl is from Minnesota and man oh man, does he have skills!  Right away, we hit it off and after looking at his work in person, I knew that we had to collaborate on a new knife that would stand up to anything the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness could dish out.

The result is a workhorse.  THE BOUNDARY WATERS BELT KNIFE.  It is a piece of art.  It is a (very) sharp blade -- tough enough to conquer all your cutting needs.  It can slice and dice a tomato and carve up your first nights steak even after making firewood kindling, whittling up a few tent stakes and setting up camp for you all on its own :)

It is hand forged from simple carbon steel and designed with a full tang. The craftsmanship that goes into it is top notch.  On the forge, the steel has been formed to shape a natural finger guard below the blade.  This is a knife that just feels right in your hand and fits on your belt like no other.  In addition, each leather sheath is crafted by hand to fit your knife and only your knife.

I convinced Karl to take time out of his busy schedule and make us four.  That's right, we've only got four of these beauties.  Two with brown curly maple handles and two with black curly maple handles.  We are offering them to you here first.  First come first serve.  I'm not sure if we'll be able to get anymore before Christmas, I suspect not.  He's making knives daily and if he gets time off, he makes something else, like the canoe below.

You can get more information on the pages of our online catalog.

Watch our blog for more great gift ideas from gear, to books and jewelry.  We're putting new items online daily.  Just because you've seen our paper catalog, doesn't mean you've got your finger on the pulse of everything new at Piragis Northwoods Company.

We promise to keep you updated on the latest and greatest, right here.

Take care, Tim Stouffer, Catalog Director

Saturday, November 8, 2014

BLOG 78. Nine Adventurous But Not Death-Defying Canoe Trips

Cliff Jacobson

When someone asks me to share my favorite places to canoe, I usually hesitate.  After all, one person’s treasure is another’s trash. I like my rivers brimming with wildlife and rapids. And the more remote, the better. But not every paddler shares my love of adventure. Most prefer quiet, easy routes without death-defying rapids and grizzly bears.  So, as a nod to them, I offer these beginner/intermediate level routes which are remote and adventurous but seldom death-defying. Naturally, high water, low water or no water can change the difficulty. The routes are arranged in order and rated (my rating) on a scale of 1 to 10 for difficulty. By comparison, Arctic rivers like the Hood, Burnside and Coppermine would all rate 10.

1.    Buffalo River, Arkansas: Picture the river in the film “Deliverance” and eliminate all rapids that rate above low Class II (advanced beginner).  Add beautiful sandy beaches,spectacular vistas and free-roaming elk. The Buffalo is a federally protected river and one of the few U.S. rivers that allow you to camp and build fires (no fire-pan required) anywhere. There is no development along the route, which will be enjoyed by all skill levels. Canoe rentals are available. You must do this river in early spring if you plan to canoe the upper part near Ponca—which is the most interesting part and the only section that has rapids. Cliff’s rating: 1
Buffalo River, Arkansas. Typical small rapids
Buffalo River, Arkansas
2.   The Frost River, Boundary Waters Canoe Area . The Frost River flows out of Frost Lake, which is accessed off the Gunflint Trail. If you follow the main river (my book, “Boundary Waters Canoe Camping” details the route), and take only essential portages, you’ll enjoy a very remote and satisfying experience. The river flows into Little Saganaga Lake. From there, you can circle east and south back to Round Lake and your awaiting car. The river is narrow and shrouded by bluffs—well protected from wind and ideal for solo canoes. There are some small rapids that may be canoeable.  Portages are rigorous but short. Of all the trips I’ve done in the BWCA, the Frost is by far, my favorite. Important! You must do the Frost early in the season when the water is high. Go in low water only if you like to walk. And bring a lightweight canoe! Cliff’s rating: 1
Frost River, BWCA
3.    The Steel River is located in northern Ontario, about 15 miles from Terrace Bay. It empties into the north Shore of Lake Superior. I first paddled the river in 1974, with three friends. We had home-built wood-strip solo canoes with two-piece spray covers. The trip is described in my book, “Expedition Canoeing”. There’s a perfect mix of large and small lakes and meandering streams and rapids—and they can all be safely paddled in small solo cruising canoes. Most Canadian rivers are too big and powerful for the little canoes I love to paddle. The Steel is “just right”. You can do the river as a circle route (Santoy Lake to Santoy Lake) or end at the bridge that spans the Deadhorse road—about 30 miles above the Santoy take-out (recommended). A car shuttle can be arranged in Terrace Bay. Be aware that some of the portages are killers—notably the first one from Santoy to Diablo Lake. A lightweight canoe that is capable in rapids is a MUST! None of the rapids rate over Class II, though some are very long. If you love solo canoeing, the Steel will challenge but not overwhelm. A “Steel River Circle Route” trip guide is available from the Ministry of Natural Resources in Terrace Bay. Cliff’s rating: 3
Steel River. Jim Mandle, left; Cliff, right. Cr. Gary McGuffin

4.    The Fond du Lac River is located in the northwest corner of Saskatchewan, just below the Northwest Territories. The draw is trophy fishing, spectacular campsites—many of which are on sandy eskers that run for miles—easy to moderate rapids and few portages, and no other canoeists. The country is fairly open so you can hike for miles without getting stopped by thick forest.  Charter float plane in and out. Northern Saskatchewan rivers are noted for their generally light rainfall and minimal bugs. And the water is warm enough for swimming—or for safety if you capsize. Paddlers should be competent in (long stretches) of class II rapids. As northern Canadian rivers go, the Fond du Lac would be ranked as “easy”. The Fond du Lac is a great “starter route” for those who want to experience the flavor of the far north. Cliff’s rating: 5
Manitou Falls, Fond du Lac River
5.    Cree River, Saskatchewan. Located just below the Fond du Lac, the Cree offers similar scenery and phenomenal fishing. It's not as pretty as the Fond du Lac but it is more remote. The Cree is basically “all river”—only a few scattered ponds provide a flatwater experience. The big plus is that there are no portages. Not one! Rapids rate from riffles through Class II. Some continue for more than a mile. Spraycovers aren’t needed; it’s generally easy canoeing, but you must have basic whitewater skills.  Begin at Cree Lake (headwaters of the Cree). End at Wapata Lake or Black Lake. Charter float plane in and out. See my article, “Canoeing the Cree For Trophy Fish”, on my web-site,   Cliff’s rating: 5

6.    The Rio Grande River, Texas is not at all like the pictures of it you’ve seen in western movies. The river flows through the Chisos mountains in Big Bend National Park.  Huge hills and deep canyons abound.  Camping and open fires (a fire-pan is required) are permitted anywhere.   There are a lot of rapids on the Rio Grande, some are huge! Go in February when the water is low and the whitewater is manageable in well-paddled open canoes. You can drive to the put-in and the take-out.  Nix worries about Mexican bandits; electronic American eyes are on patrol! Note: Rob Kesselring and I will be guiding a trip on the Rio Grande, Feb. 4-11, 2015. Rob has done the river ten times! Contact Rob ( for details. Cliff’s rating: 5

Mariscal Canyon, Rio Grande River/Rob Kesselring paddling

Rio Grande River
7.    Noatak River, Alaska.  Here’s a remote river for those with limited whitewater skills. Expect spectacular scenery, easily canoeable rapids and no portages. The river flows through the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) so expect to see caribou, muskox, grizzlies, wolves and more.  Access and egress is by charter airplane from Beetles or Cold Foot Alaska.  Pilots won’t carry hard-shelled canoes on the pontoons of their airplanes so you’ll need a folding canoe or raft. The Noatak is well above the Arctic Circle so the weather can be dicey. High water changes this ordinarily easy river into one that will earn your respect. Plan accordingly! If you paddle the lower river to Noatak Village when the salmon are running, encounters with grizzlies are common. You would be wise to bring a gun.  Note: Rob Kesselring and I will be guiding a trip on the Noatak River, July 18-26, 2015. Contact Rob ( for details. Cliff’s rating: 6

Noatak River, Alaska

8.    The Kopka River is located about 100 miles north of Thunder Bay, Ontario.  Access by float plane (15 minute flight); egress by car. The draw is the spectacular scenery and magnificant waterfalls (11 of them!) which are more characteristic of Alberta than Ontario.  The Kopka is small and narrow, with excellent campsites and fishing.  Rapids usually rate Class II or less. Portages are infrequent and not too difficult, but they are very interesting.  For example, one requires you to drop your canoe 75 feet down a broken cliff face on a mountaineering rope. A new rope was recently (2013) installed. Bring lines for each end of the canoe and a few carabiners. The lower Kopka terminates in what my wife Susie calls “The Land of the Lost”. It is, without doubt, one of the most beautiful, awe-inspiring places on the planet. I’ve canoed the Kopka eight times—it is one of my favorite rivers. Paddlers should have a practiced back-ferry and be capable in technical Class II rapids. Portages aren’t marked or maintained. You must know how to read the river! Cliff’s rating: 7
Kopka River. Looking upstream at the Falls that flows into the "Land of the Lost"
Kopka River/upper river
North Knife River, Manitoba--trophy class fish!

9.    If you’ve ever wanted to canoe to Hudson Bay (what paddler hasn’t?) the North Knife River (Manitoba) is the one to do. Begin your trip on North Knife Lake 160 miles from the Bay.  From the river’s mouth, arrange boat or air transportation to Churchill, 35 miles away.  Warning:  Canoeing Hudson Bay is very dangerous!  Expect trophy fishing and polar bears (!).  Bring a satellite phone and a gun! Highly experienced paddlers only.  Access is by float plane from Thompson, Manitoba; egress by train from Churchill. The North Knife is the toughest of the rivers on this list. I've canoed it three times and it is one of my all time favorites.
                 Cliff’s rating: 8


Friday, October 31, 2014

Take a Kid Canoe Camping!

"Children are born naturalists. They explore the world with all of their senses, experiment in the environment, and communicate their discoveries to those around them."  The Audubon Nature Preschool
We need more kids in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness.  Families are the future of canoeing and discovery will pave the way with paddles held high.  At Piragis Northwoods Company we value this future and nurture its growth each summer.  That’s why we stock things like drop in seats and kid’s paddles.  That’s why we make sure the old T-grip no-nonsense straight shaft paddle is available — so that kids can feel like they belong in the canoe and are a vital part of the trip.
No one wants to feel like extra baggage.  Kids don’t want to be in the way, they want to be part of everything.  They have a deep and burning desire to learn by way of application.  Discover by doing.  They want to help pack, carry stuff, and set up tents and equipment.  Most of all they want to explore.
Kids make great ambassadors for wilderness camping too, because you better believe they’ll tell their friends!

I love this picture because you can tell my friend’s daughters are having fun.  They packed fun clothes to have a fun time and they got the most out of their trip.  The colors reflected from the sun on the water behind them deliver the beauty of Summer’s waning hours.
If you’ve got questions about taking a family trip we are happy to help you plan it.  There are family-friendly routes for all ages and we have guides that can make your first trip into the Boundary Waters a smashing success if you want to go that route :)
Most of all we want to say, take courage, introduce your kids to the Boundary Waters early and they’ll thank you for it later.  They’ll find adventure around every bend and under every rock.  In the middle of it all, they’ll discover a love for canoeing, camping and wilderness in ways that we could never hope to pass on through suggestion or encouragement.
They fall in love with the outdoors by experiencing it.
Call Drew or Adam today to talk family trips with the Outfitting guys at Piragis Northwoods Company.  1-800-223-6565
Let’s try to change this mostly true assessment of our times by Wendell Berry:

"Our Children no longer learn how to read the great book of Nature from their own direct experience, or how to interact creatively with the seasonal transformations of the planet. They seldom learn where their water come from or where it goes. We no longer coordinate our human celebration with the great liturgy of the heavens."

2015 Boundary Waters Lottery Dates

Just received the 2015 Limited Lottery Dates and Go-Live Date from the Forest Service for the Boundary Waters:

The limited lottery will be open for applications on December 16th, 2014 through close of business January 13th, 2015. The lottery will actually be run on January 15th and results will be released by January 21.
The lottery includes only the following entry points (letters D, F, and G are day use motor entry points):
·         D Fall Lake and Beyond;
·         24 Fall Lake (both overnight motor and paddle);
·         25 Moose Lake (both overnight motor and paddle);
·         F Moose, Newfound, and Sucker;
·         G Basswood over Prairie Portage

The Go-Live Date for all entry points will be January 28, 2015.

Monday, October 20, 2014

BLOG 77. How to Make a Tumpline For Your Canoe


Canadians love tumplines. Americans generally consider them torture devices. I just love ‘em! And I wouldn’t own a pack without one. The tump snugs my pack tight against my back and keeps it there—a plus on the level and when ascending hills (it doesn’t work on downhill slopes—the opposite of a hip belt). It takes the weight off my shoulders and transfers it to the strong muscles of my neck. Contrary to popular belief, it doesn’t stress my neck or hurt at all. I submit that those who badmouth tumplines either haven’t tried them, or they haven’t adjusted them correctly. You can’t just put on a tumpline and go. The strap must be adjusted exactly right for YOU.  Every “body” is different and what works for one won’t work for another. Increasing or decreasing the length of the tump strap by as little as half an inch can make a BIG difference in comfort.  And so does where you place the strap—it goes about two inches above your forehead, not on it. It should not jerk your head back. The “pull” is directly down from the top of your head through your neck.  When I was guiding trips in northern Canada, I always took time at the first portage to show everyone how to fit a tumpline. This paid rich dividends over the long haul. I observed that nine out of ten people who tried the tumpline—and learned to use it right—refused to carry a pack without one.  But some people are like the eighth graders I used to teach: if they don’t get it instantly, it’s not worth learning!

On a similar note, I should add that people in underdeveloped countries have, for thousands of years, carried heavy loads on their heads or in packs supported by tumplines.  The Sherpa’s rely on tumplines exclusively—and these guys portage heavy gear up mountains for a living.  Back in the 60’s, a major pack company gave several high volume mountaineering packs to some Himalayan porters. The porters cut off the shoulder straps and installed tumplines. And of course, African women often carry loads on their heads that weigh nearly as much as them! Need I say more?

What works on packs, works on canoes too. The tumpline described here can be adjusted to reduce the weight on your shoulders from zero to 100 percent.  A 50 percent weight reduction is a comfortable way to go. Unlike rigid leather straps, my trampoline-style tumpline won’t strangle you if you step into a hole. It stays on the boat but it can be removed with one hand in seconds. Here’s how to make one:
Trampoline style tumpline. To remove the tump, reach across your body with one hand and disconnect the front strap (S-hook) and peel the canvas back. That's all there is to it!
You’ll need a rectangular piece of canvas, two rubber truck straps and four steel S-hooks.  Snake the straps through wide sleeves sewn in the head piece, and snap them to holes--or loops of parachute cord strung through holes--in the gunnels, shown in the photos below.  Head piece dimensions aren’t critical: mine measures 12” x 18”.

Shortening the loops of chute cord tightens the rubber straps and transfers weight from your shoulders to your head; lengthening the cords does the opposite.  I adjust the rig to carry about 60 percent of the weight on my head.
If you tire of the tumpline while portaging, just reach overhead and unhook it--and bear all the weight on your “Minnesota” yoke.  You’ll have to set down the canoe to hook up the tumpline again. 
In recent years, tumplines have come under fire, largely by Americans who don’t know how to use them and won’t take time to learn.   However, “head carries” are the rule in third world countries, though shoulder straps and hip belts were here before Rome.  Efficiency is the mother of tradition, as any tump-toting Sherpa will attest.  Try a tumpline on your canoe and see if you don’t agree that things go easier  when you use your head.